Root Canal Therapy in Seton, AB

Root Canal Therapy Near You

We provide root canal therapy near  Cranston to save your tooth. During root canal therapy, we painlessly repair a badly infected or decayed tooth by removing the pulp from inside the infected tooth, and then cleaning and sealing it from future infection.

root canal theraphy in Seton

Root Canal Treatment in Seton

Our dental clinic offers root canal therapy in Calgary, AB to patients in need of dental restoration. Root canal therapy has a pervasive but outdated and inaccurate reputation for being painful. In fact, root canal procedures eliminate the pain of seriously infected and decayed teeth by removing the infected material. Modern techniques and equipment mean that root canal therapy is a pain-free procedure that will leave you feeling better than you did before the procedure began.

Unfortunately, many patients discover they need root canal therapy even though they have not experienced any of these symptoms. That phenomenon reinforces the importance of regular dental checkups where your dentists can watch for early signs of decay and infection that might require intervention. Having said that, the following cluster of symptoms may indicate a need for root canal therapy: a persistent or recurring pimple on your gums; swollen and tender gums; severe tooth pain, especially while chewing or applying pressure; long-lasting sensitivity to both heat and cold; and a discoloured tooth.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, please contact us. Our clinic offers root canal therapy near you to relieve your pain.

Receiving Root Canal Therapy

While you are receiving root canal therapy near you, there are many steps to the process you should be aware of. During root canal therapy we open your tooth, extract the infected pulp from the tooth’s inner chamber, clean the interior of your tooth of any infection material, then seal up your tooth with a substance called gutta-percha. The affected area will be numbed with a local anesthetic to be pain-free. If you are seeking root canal therapy near you, we will provide you with detailed instructions about how to ensure a complete and speedy recovery after your treatment.

Once your tooth has fully recovered from the procedure, we’ll work together to create and place a permanent crown to protect the tooth. A tooth that has undergone root canal therapy and been capped with a crown will have full function and, with good oral care habits, no further issues.

Key Points About Root Canal Therapy

  • Root canal therapy is painless and will eliminate the pain of badly infected and decayed teeth.
  • You will experience some soreness and discomfort after the anesthetic applied during the procedure wears off, but that discomfort can be managed with Tylenol or Advil.

If you are experiencing tooth pain or seeking a dental clinic that provides root canal therapy near you, contact our team today and we will schedule a consultation for you.